There are four ways for private organizations and individuals to contribute to
the CERF:
1. Online and tax deductible donations
It is possible to make online and tax deductible (only for the U.S. taxpayers)
donations through a partnership with the United Nations Foundation, a U.S. 501
(c)(3) public charity. Donations can be made online or sent via check, money
order or wire transfer.
2. Deposit of wire transfer to the CERF bank account at:
JP Morgan Chase Bank - NY, NY - USA
Account Name: Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) Charitable Donations
Account Number: 485 002671
Swift Code: CHAS US 33
ABA Code: 021-000-021
Reference: Name of payor’s contribution to CERF for 2010
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4. Payment by Check
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Donations” with “name of payor’s contribution to CERF ” as reference and mailed
Mr. John Holmes, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
380 Madison Avenue (6th floor)
New York NY 10017 USA.
After the payment or transfer, please fax a letter to the Under-Secretary-General
for Humanitarian Affairs at +1-212-963-1312, confirming the date and amount
transferred (with US$ equivalent) and specifying that the contribution is for the
Central Emergency Response Fund and that it is for 2010. This will help us track
and report your contribution accurately.
Member States and Observer Missions that would like to make a pledge of
contribution to CERF should contact the CERF Secretariat:
CERF Secretariat
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
United Nations
Fax: +1 212 963 1312
Donors » Donors
1 United Kingdom
69,928,000 83,726,040 80,239,000 64,262,000
60,005,700 358,160,740
2 Netherlands
51,860,000 53,400,000 63,900,000 55,668,000
54,984,000 279,812,000
3 Sweden
41,093,250 51,045,498 56,264,400 49,367,572
58,526,748 256,297,468
4 Norway
29,993,971 55,066,049 55,258,765 42,734,983
57,107,654 240,161,422
5 Canada
21,941,309 35,116,374 39,037,523 34,566,877
37,328,450 167,990,533
6 Spain
9,999,984 20,692,484 45,531,968 44,348,982
45,180,723 165,754,141
7 Ireland
12,601,974 26,273,974 33,301,074 27,179,610
5,099,972 104,456,604
8 Germany
6,597,500 14,790,000 19,522,484
21,735,000 62,644,984
9 Denmark
8,401,243 8,742,384 9,931,473 8,544,087
9,425,959 45,045,147
10 Australia
7,600,000 8,760,000 9,517,000 7,821,600
10,986,000 44,684,600
11 Finland
5,154,000 6,726,000 7,791,000 8,198,400
8,079,000 35,948,400
12 Switzerland
3,928,097 8,194,982 7,241,825 4,657,370
4,568,942 28,591,216
13 Luxembourg
4,000,000 5,610,800 6,190,400 5,696,400
5,775,000 27,272,600
14 United States
10,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000
15 Belgium
2,666,194 2,988,914 2,539,594 7,272,905
7,734,594 23,202,201
16 Korea, Republic of
5,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 3,000,000
3,000,000 14,500,000
17 Japan
7,500,000 2,169,083 1,000,000 2,000,000
18 Qatar
2,000,000 100,000 10,050,000
19 Italy
2,670,400 2,935,400 1,358,868 1,502,270
20 France
1,263,800 1,312,100 2,223,046
21 New Zealand
762,700 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000
22 China
500,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000
23 India
1,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 500,000
24 Austria
401,430 1,030,055 424,740 548,400
25 Russian Federation
2,000,000 2,000,000
26 Iceland
150,000 558,618 611,243 200,000
27 Greece
100,000 300,000 500,000 500,000
28 Portugal
254,220 268,540 312,400 263,020
286,000 1,384,180
29 Poland
250,000 510,000 300,000 300,000
30 Turkey
300,000 300,000 300,000 200,000
200,000 1,300,000
31 South Africa
288,577 240,000 221,538 180,000
263,540 1,193,655
32 Liechtenstein
100,000 123,244 196,136 230,840
235,073 885,293
33 Czech Republic
113,302 121,353 153,875 143,176
34 Indonesia
50,000 100,000 100,000 125,000 150,000
35 Ukraine
503,310 503,310
36 Mexico
50,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 150,000
37 Saudi Arabia
50,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 150,000
38 Romania
359,625 61,050 71,000 491,675
39 Monaco
25,000 35,000 139,313 141,692 134,778
40 Brazil
30,000 50,000 149,985 200,000 429,985
41 Estonia
52,102 39,739 91,200 80,845 86,672 350,558
42 Kuwait
200,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 350,000
43 Malaysia
50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000
44 Kazakhstan
25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 250,000
45 Slovenia
10,000 50,000 50,000 66,588 70,783 247,371
46 Central African Repuiblic
197,239 197,239
47 Chile
30,000 100,000 20,000 30,000 180,000
48 Andorra
25,440 29,735 33,495 38,986 34,639 162,295
49 San Marino
4,413 30,000 20,000 50,000 104,413
50 Nigeria
100,000 100,000
51 Trinidad and Tobago
20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000
52 United Arab Emirates
50,000 50,000 100,000
53 Pakistan
20,000 19,967 20,000 15,000 19,171 94,138
54 Argentina
30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000
55 Colombia
20,000 40,000 30,000 90,000
56 Hungary
10,000 20,000 54,088 84,088
57 Croatia
5,000 20,000 34,000 24,000 83,000
58 Israel
30,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 80,000
59 Egypt
15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000
60 Cyprus
30,000 30,000 60,000
61 Ecuador
20,000 20,000 20,000 60,000
62 Azerbaijan
20,000 20,000 10,000 50,000
63 Bahamas 50,000 50,000
64 Brunei
50,000 50,000
65 Sri Lanka
10,000 10,000 9,982 10,000 10,000 49,982
66 Latvia
20,000 20,673 40,673
67 Algeria
10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000
68 Thailand
10,000 10,000 20,000 40,000
69 Bulgaria
10,000 10,000 14,966 34,966
70 Philippines
5,000 5,000 10,000 10,390 30,390
71 Oman
30,000 30,000
72 Singapore
30,000 30,000
73 Antigua and Barbuda
5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000
74 Morocco
5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000
75 Peru
5,000 10,000 10,000 25,000
76 Lithuania
20,845 20,845
77 Armenia
5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 20,000
78 Moldova
10,000 10,000 20,000
79 Myanmar
10,000 10,000 20,000
80 Kenya
9,895 10,000 19,895
81 Bangladesh
5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000
82 Ghana
5,000 10,000 15,000
83 Holy See**
5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000
84 Syrian Arab Republic
5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000
85 Montenegro
2,500 4,975 5,000 12,475
86 Grenada
10,000 10,000
87 Guatemala
10,000 10,000
88 Jamaica
5,000 5,000 10,000
89 Malta
10,000 10,000
90 Mongolia
10,000 10,000
91 Slovakia
10,000 10,000
92 Vietnam
10,000 10,000
93 Djibouti
2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,000
94 FYR of Macedonia
2,000 5,000 7,000
95 Albania 3,000 3,500 6,500
96 Haiti
5,000 1,480 6,480
97 Lebanon
3,000 3,000 6,000
98 Bosnia and Herzegovina
5,000 5,000
99 Botswana
5,000 5,000
100 Malta, Sovereign Military Order of*
5,000 5,000
101 Mozambique
2,000 1,000 2,000 5,000
102 Panama
5,000 5,000
103 Tunisia
5,000 5,000
104 Venezuela
5,000 5,000
105 Guyana
4,913 4,913
106 Bhutan
1,480 1,480 1,500 4,460
107 Mauritania
3,844 3,844
108 Afghanistan
1,500 1,539 3,039
109 Laos
3,000 3,000
110 Namibia
1,000 2,000 3,000
111 Republic of Congo
2,256 2,256
112 El Salvador
2,000 2,000
113 Madagascar
2,000 2,000
114 Maldives 1,000 1,000 2,000
115 Samoa
2,000 2,000
116 Tajikistan
2,000 2,000
117 Benin
1,500 1,500
118 Timor-Leste
1,200 1,200
119 St. Lucia
1,000 1,000
120 Tuvalu 1,000 1,000
UN Foundation*** (Private Donations)
117,959 118,201 56,030 800,000
2 Jefferies & Co.
1,000,000 1,000,000
3 Hyogo Prefecture Japan
424,989 435,578 860,567
4 PriceWaterhouse Coopers
500,000 100,000 600,000
5 Abu Dhabi National Energy Company «TAQA»
150,000 272,257 422,257
6 Western Union
100,000 100,000 50,000 100,000
7 SCOR Group
200,000 200,000
8 HSBC Bank Middle East Limited
100,000 100,000
9 World Mission Society Church of God
100,000 100,000
10 Individual contributions 8,107 3,514 1,400
83,406 96,427
11 ENDESA Spain
55,052 55,052
12 Skanska USA Building Inc
50,000 50,000
13 Alexander Bodini Foundation
10,000 15,000 20,000 45,000
14 Buddhist Association of NY
41,771 41,771
15 UN Spouses Bazaar
35,113 35,113
16 Disaster Resource Network
10,000 9,978 10,000 29,978
17 Latin American Benevolent Foundation
25,000 25,000
18 Baha'I International Community 10,000
10,000 20,000
19 Daystar Christian Centre
20,000 20,000
20 Korean and Overseas fans of Kim Hyun Joong
19,293 19,293
21 Jan Egeland 17,240
22 Customers of HSBC-UAE
16,825 16,825
23 ENDESA Peru
12,948 12,948
24 Humanity First
10,000 2,500 12,500
25 The Estate of George Gary 10,408
26 Bilkent Holding AS
10,000 10,000
27 Red Crescent of UAE
9,982 9,982
Total: 298,712,453 385,125,313 453,221,155
401,728,671 56,115,640 359,204,638 1,954,107,870
** Observer States